Friday, February 11, 2011

A Valentine for my sweetie

Well being that it is almost V-day I thought I would do a post on some Valentines projects I did for my little girl. She has her class party today and of course her party wouldn't be complete without a pretty pink outfit.

 I know what you're thinking: This poor little girl is so camera shy. Ha! My little poser! She makes me smile.

 Anyways, I embellished the white T and made the cute chiffon ruffle skirt. Fun stuff!

 The embellished T went a little like this:

 I found a white t-shirt in her closet that had some stains on the front of it. Then I took some ribbon and folded over and over and over to cover the stain on the collar:

I then cut out a heart in a green fabric and pinned it to the front of the shirt at a bit of an angle:

I did a zig zag stitch to connect it to the shirt. I then took more ribbon and made an x pattern in the back:

This was done with two pieces of ribbon. I then sewed each corner of the zig zag ribbon down. I then made a bow out of ribbon and sewed it on the bottom in the middle:

 I then cut out roses from a rose trim I had left over and sewed a rose to each corner of the ribbon (this hides the thread on the ribbon and also adds some cuteness to the shirt).

 I then made some satin flowers for the front and sewed them on (satin flower tutorial here)
 On to the chiffon ruffle skirt:

 I first would like to say that if I make another one of these I will definitely buy the no fray satin. I can't believe how much this stuff frays. so on to the skirt. supplies needed:

  1.  1 yard of knit
  2.  2 yards of chiffon
  3.  one container of 4 yard elastic 
  4.  a quarter yard of satin
 I measured out a 30 inch by 19 inch rectangle of knit. I then took a 30 inch piece of elastic a attached it to the bottom (this will prevent it from rolling up).

fold this over twice and sew into place. This is the bottom of your skirt. Now fold the piece in half and sew up the sides using a zig zag to make it secure. Next fold down the top top of the fabric a half an inch and then another inch. This will be where you put the elastic waste band. sew this up leaving an opening to get the elastic band through. Now attach a safety pin to both ends of the elastic band (I made my elastic band 26inch) attach one end to the skirt with the safety pin and pull the other safety pin through the casing (the part that you just sewed on the top of the skirt). Work the elastic through and close the casing by sewing in place.

 Set your skirt aside and make some chiffon ruffles. Cut about an eight inch thick by 72 inch long (it should be 72 inch if you have two yards) strip of chiffon. Do this three times. Now put your stitch length on a higher setting ( I have a Brother sewing machine and I put mine on 4.5).  Fold over the chiffon and stitch down the side close to edge of fabric. When finished, take the top stitch a slowly pull until fabric starts to bunch together. repeat repeat repeat:

It should look some what like the above pic. now adjust the length to fit around the whole skirt. Take one end of the chiffon a start at a side seam and attach to the bottom of the skirt. Make sure to turn the ruffle upside down and attach by the fraying edge.

 Do this for all three ruffles. To join the ends together flip the sides under and together. This way you won't see the stitching on the ruffle. Now cut the knit about two inches above the top ruffle. Then cut about 3 inches below the elastic casing on the top. This will make it a shorter skirt ( leggings with it will be perfect). Now re attach the two pieces:

 Don't worry about the stitching showing. You are now going to make a satin ribbon like I did here. Attach this ribbon right below the elastic:

 There is your pretty princess chiffon skirt. This turned out so good I may have to make a couple for my baby nieces and send them to them. This would be an adorable skirt for a one year old! We shall see!

 Happy sewing!



  1. awww- she looks so cute- I bet she's the envy of all her friends! Happy Valentines Day to you both!

  2. What a beautiful child!! The outfit is spectacular, you need to start a clothing line!

  3. That's really cute! Love the "lacing" up the back.

    Visiting from Serenity Now!

  4. hope she had a great party! my girls would love that skirt!!

  5. Precious! Precious! Precious! I love it! What a cute outfit for your gorgeous daughter. I love the lace up look on the back of the shirt.

  6. You're right, she's such a wallflower. ;) I love the fabric you used for the heart. A great tutorial! Thanks for linking up, Michelle! :)

  7. Wow a gorgeous outfit and little lady! I'm in LOVE with that skirt, it's so cool!

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I love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to make me smile :)