Thursday, February 10, 2011

silhouettes anyone?

O.K. so I'm totally jumping in the good ole' bandwagon on this one. I love the silhouette family photos everyone is doing out there in Bloglandia. So here I am doing my own because I'm basically a big fat copy cat.

I don't have Photoshop (Although I would like to purchase it in the near future). I do however have expression design, it's part of expression web (a website building software). Any who it basically had the same steps as photoshop does ( I mean apparently because I really wouldn't know for sure now would I), I took photos of everyone's profile. I then outlined faces in my software. I blackened them out. I then exported just the black part in a jpeg format. I then imported the pics into my word program and pressed print:

I cut out the black parts and mod podged them to a different piece of white paper.

 I bought four frames at the Dollar Store (gosh I love that place):
 Painted them black:

Once dry, I dabbed on some white. Then some more black and the result:

A fine looking group aren't we!

 How about you? Have you jumped on the silhouette bandwagon yet?

 Happy crafting!



  1. Would love to see the 4 pictures hung up on the wall in your home! Good looking family and great idea! Glad to see you have discovered and are loving the dollar stores!

  2. Wow-they turned out fantastic! I want to do this of my niece and nephew for my sister, but I never remember to get the profiles when I visit her. Yours turned out so nice :)


I love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to make me smile :)