Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Some flowers and an applique

So if you didn't read my deal of the century post check it out here. I took the pink hoodie for my daughter and jazzed it up a bit. First I took some damask print fabric in pink and drew an A:

 I then cut out the A

 I then pinned it to the sweater and sewed it down (next time I will use some fabric glue for this. I think it would make the edges not fray as much. I am no professional though!).

Then I cut out some circles from large to small in the same fabric:

 I then stacked them to make two different flowers and sewed both flowers (separately):
 I then added a spare button to the center of each one:
 Finally, I sewed the flowers on the hoodie:
Cute little hoodie from my beautiful daughter (and it only cost me a dollar!) . I am sure she will love it when she gets home from school!


Check out where I like to party!


  1. Very pretty! I bet she will love it and wear it proudly!

    I am having 2 giveaways on my blog.

    $38 store credit + free shipping to select a cute backpack from Busy little hands

    $15 store credit + free shipping from hair candy for girls.pettiskirts, xipper flower clips, hair accessories and more

    All you have to do to win is leave a comment.

  2. Stop it!!! That is too cute!! And I scrolled down to the other post. Whatta deal!! You go Mama!

  3. love grabbing sweatshirts and tshirts when they are on sale so check! love how you dressed it up-flowers are so cute! my girls love when i put their initials on stuff!!

  4. If my girls were to see me reading this, they'd want to know immediately why they don't have dressed up hoodies. ;)

  5. this is so cute. this would be so fun for big girls too!


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