Thursday, August 18, 2011

We can't be perfect every time

Remember last week when I apparently inhaled too many paint fumes and went crazy with the spray paint? Well on top of spray painting one of the objects, I decided to give it a little personality too. I first spray painted it Valspar's Hotel Vanilla:

 I then used this stencil that has been sitting in a drawer for months now. I bought it for like 2.99 at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon, so it was like 1.79. I plan on using it for a project in Alexa's room.....Soon.
 I did the stencil with a cream paint. Errrr craft fail. Stencil doesn't do too well on curved slick surfaces. So I whipped out some gold metallic paint and traced along the pattern. I also wrapped jute around the top and the bottom.
 Much better with the gold paint!

I like it, I mean it's not my favorite thing I have done. I think it looks pretty good on the shelves though and it breaks up the cream overload. Any craft fails you have had lately? What did you do to fix it?


Check out where I party


  1. Good recovery, it looks cute on your shelf. I definitly have crafts that fail, just spent 4 hours on 2 chairs and I hate the color and have to start from square 1 now. Thanks for the nice comment over at :-)

  2. It looks great! I love the tied jute. And it goes so well with all your other trinkets on the shelves (which I ENVY!). I wanna steal that red votive candleholder!

  3. Perfect fix and it looks great on the bookshelves, which BTW are fabulous with the paper in back. I spend too much time thinking about and not doing my DIY projects!

    Cathy @ Room Rx


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