Tuesday, July 5, 2011

To hoard or not to hoard. That is the question.

Have you ever watched the show Hoarders? Or how about Clean House? These shows will inspire even the cleanest person to want to clean more. Seriously! I woke up on Monday and my husband had a Hoarders show on. I watched about 20 minutes of it and got motivated to totally clean out my daughters closet, desk drawers, dresser and eek under the bed! She is really a sneaky little thing. When I say pick of your room it always looks so lovely.

Yeah, until you dive deep into her closet, desk, and the messy under bed. Holy smokes! I have a mini hoarder on my hands! She had insane amounts of junk and knick knacks just crowding her room every where. It's like if there was a place to hide gabage she found it and put it there. Geez! I don't have a before pic, but let me tell you, there was THREE bags of gabage (yes three normal garbage bags), TWO large garbage bags full of toys and a bunch of misc stuff that couldn't go in bags (which will be headed to Goodwill shortly). Then there was the clothes. OH MY This girl has an insane amount of clothes. Lets just say I got rid of over 60 articles of clothing and her closet is still full! Crazy!!

Here is the after of the closet purge:

So much better! Wish I would have taken a before pic, this would be more amazing then. Just know it was pure chaos.

Hope everyine had a perfect 4th of July! Ours was beautiful. Nothing like spending the day with your family. Can't get any better than that!


1 comment:

  1. That is so funny! I was watching Hoarders on Monday too. Doesn't it make you feel so sad (and sick) for some people? I only watched a few minutes of it, but I saw enough to realize "I desperately need to clean out my spare bedroom". Luckily, I KNOW for a fact that there won't be dead animals under all my junk. Your daughter's closet is like the more organized version of mine...I keep finding clothes to get rid of but still have NO ROOM for the things I want to keep! It's all part of being a girl, I guess. Ooh I love how organized her shoes are!


I love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to make me smile :)