Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A much needed makeover

So my current project is my living room, although I love it, I just want to add some blue. Remember my kitchen before and after HERE (if not go look, really it is like my number one post).  So I have one big great room and it kind of bothers me that my living room doesn't flow with my kitchen. I have quite a bit of orange and red, but no blue. I am on a blue mission over here!

Anywho, over the weekend I was able to sell some stuff on craigslist (don't you love craigslist! People pay you for stuff that have been sitting in your house forever). I knew exactly what I was going to spend the money on. My severely neglected mantle display (please excuse the horrible blurry pics. Once again I forgot to take an actual before pic):

As you can see I just had a mirror, some paintings that took me ten minutes to whip up, and a couple lonely knick knacks. It isn't my best decorating moment by any means. I never really liked it, I just ignored it and went on my way.

Finally, here is the beautiful display now:

Oh my goodness! I LOVE it! It's my blog, if I want to praise myself, I will ;) Isn't it sooooooo much better?! You know what I love about it the most? The fact that I can change out the fillers in the hurricanes and the candles. This will be great for different seasons and holidays. Big glass containers are great for holiday decor! I am super excited about this. My husband even loved it (pretty good since he was wondering why I was changing it in the first place. Oh silly husband).

So I am thinking that I should make the striped box I did on the top of the mantle a little larger now. What do you think? Follow along for more living room updates. Then a before and after!

Hurricanes: Marshalls homegoods
Candles: Marshalls homegoods
Picture frame: Marshalls homegoods
Clock: Marshalls homegoods
Oranges: Hobby Lobby
Ribbon: Hobby Lobby
Candle holders: Pier one imports
Decorative twigs: Pier one imports


Check out where I PARTY


  1. That is beautiful! I love the painted frame on the wall too! I am following you for some inspiration.

  2. Loving the glass hurricanes with the lemons...such an unexpected touch of yellow.

    Thanks for linking up to mix and mingle this week.

  3. Although I do like the "before" pic, I now LOVE the new look. And I'm pretty sure I NEED a clock just like that! & those ribbons add such a cute little hint of blue. Did you make the little sleeves on the candles too? VERY CUTE!

  4. Very nice. I love the jars of oranges! Nice touch.

    Now Following!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  5. looks great, i love the blue ribbons that tie in with the blue from the other room. those glass jars will be fabulous any season!

  6. Perfect! Love those glass containers and the orange and blue... and so neat to see where you bought it all! Jules

  7. Oooo... that clock is fabulous! Gorgeous mantel :D

  8. What a fun change! It's so bright and cheery. I'm glad you left the painted frames. I love that. I think its funny we both just did a mantle makeover and ended up with clocks form Marshalls. Different one though. :)


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