Friday, April 29, 2011

Third times the charm

Ok so I am totally not finished with this project, but I just can't wait any longer. I am so excited how this has turned out. I started off with a console table that I bought at a thrift store for 40 dollars about two years ago (sorry no pic of the original state of the table). I then decided to paint it orange with gold stencils (ya ummmm I was going through a self discovery period):

 Can you see it sticking out there in the lower left hand corner. Yep only pic I have of it. So I then became very sick of the orange table and decided to do a brown and gold with a crackle finish. Word of the wise, if you are doing a crackle finish, do NOT use spray paint. The crackle finish won't work. Yep that's what I did. I didn't sand down this baby. I painted it gold, put a layer of crackle finish, then spray painted it brown. What happened you ask. NOTHING. I had a clumpy brown table:
 Yep, solid brown table that pretty much blended into the back of my couch. Kind of BLAH. I kept it like this for awhile before I finally couldn't take the boring table anymore. I set out on doing it right this time. So I got some stripper (ummm the kind that takes paint off furniture silly) and this is what I got after hours of scrapping:

Yeah um I emailed Cassie from Primitive and Proper (who is a furniture painting GENIUS), she suggested using mineral spirits and lots of sanding. She really gave me the encouragement I needed to keep on. Thanks for that! Especially when I had my husband saying "I'll buy you a new table if you want".  No sir! I was determined!

I sanded my little heart away. Couldn't have done it without my trusty Black and Decker hand sander. On a side note, did you know your hand goes numb when you sand for like two hours straight? Don't worry the feeling returns shortly.

When I got to this point I was doing a happy dance:
 There is light at the end of the tunnel!

 So after sanding down this baby for about 20 hours (maybe not that much), I had my husband saw off the pegs that were on the inside of the legs because I couldn't stand sanding one more thing, that's how I wanted it. I stained the top portion in ebony and painted the bottom cream. I sanded the edges to distress it a bit and finished it off with Minwax paste finishing wax. This baby is almost finished. My husband is making a shelf to go on the bottom of the table to make it more sturdy and so I can put my pretty decor on it. It will be stained ebony as well. So without further ado, I give you what happens with a little hard work and determination:

 Notice the beautiful sheen the finishing wax gives the table. Just lovely!
 Slightly distressed on the corners

 Can't wait for my shelf to be added this weekend. I will post pictures of the totally finished table next week. Thanks for looking and hopefully enjoying my table redo! I am in love!

See finished table HERE

Check out where I Party


  1. OH! That looks awesome! Hard to believe it's the same table! :)

  2. This table is so cute!!! I LOVE It, and want one JUST like it!! :)

  3. wow, michelle!!! it turned out beautifully! i love the dark rich top. it was so worth all the effort.

  4. Wow wow wow! Totally worth all the effort. Kudos to you for sticking with it!

  5. You are a determined women! It looks amazing though. Great job!

  6. It is AWESOME! You go girl:) Who needs a new table? She is gorgeous!!

  7. It's beautiful!! Love the new look. I think the shelf will be the perfect addition.

    Thank you so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party! Hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon. :)

  8. Your table looks wonderful! Love it!!

  9. Michelle, it's so beautiful! Determination and elbow grease pay off! And thanks for the tip about crackle finish not working with spray paint...good to know, because I always tend to go with what I consider the "easy" route, and I would have been one to try it with spray paint.
    Thanks for joining the party!

  10. Looks good! I love the dark top with the white legs!

  11. This looks great! It was definitely worth all that hard work :)

  12. Love it...You sound just like me! I guesd for some of us, it take several tries to get just what we want...This one was well worth your energy!


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