Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring dress tutorial

For Easter I made my daughter her dress. It turned out so cute. I will be a great dress for spring time:

 Love it and of course she makes it beautiful :)

 Supplies used:
Yard of blue polka dot fabric
1/2 yard of white stretchy fabric
 yard of yellow polka dot fabric
 2 yards of yellow trim
1/2 yard of blue fabric
 three buttons

 First I made the ruffle bottom of the skirt by taking six strips of fabric. I then hemmed each piece and sewed the ends together of each one to make three circles of fabric. I then cut out two pieces of the white stretchy fabric and made a tube to stitch the layers of blue polka dot circles to :

 Layer them and pleat the top two layers. Make sure not to make it too pleated or the dress won't be able to be put on.
 Do a straight stitch on all three layers of polka dot fabric.

 Now on to the belt:
 Cut out four strips of fabric. Make two tubes out of it and turn right side in. Then sew both ends together. The seam here will go on the side seam of the skirt portion. Then you will cut the fabric on one side to make the belt even:

 Do two lines of stitching to make sure it stays!
 For the top I took my daughters top measurements and added four inches. I then hemmed the top and the sides of the strip of fabric. After I marked where I wanted the buttons to be with fabric marker.
 I then sewed on the buttons and used the elastic to make little loops for the buttons to go in. I sewed the loops on by doing a zig-zag stitch about four times down the ends of the elastic. Make sure to back stitch!
 I then put under the yellow belt and stitched in to place. Make sure the back is even. You don't want the buttons to be lopsided!
 I then added the trim to the top and bottom of the dress

 Before I stitched the top portion, I made two tubes of fabric again for the halter top. I then pinned in place on front of the dress. I did a decorative stitch along the trim (which held the halter portion in place too).

 The end result again:

 So precious! I f you have any questions please let me know! This was a very confusing tutorial. I lost about half the pictures to this because my computer ate them or something! Who knows!!

Check out where I Party


  1. Super, super, super cute! (The dress is too.)

  2. Very, very cute dress, and your daughter looks adorable in it!

  3. So great! You did an amazing job. And you daughter is adorable!

  4. So great! I can tell she loves it!

  5. Such a cute dress! I love the color combo!

  6. Very Cute! come and join our party: http://fabricbowsandmore.blogspot.com/

  7. You are so good with the sewing machine! Don't you wonder what you did before you had one? Alexa knows how to rock that dress! Adorable.

  8. Very pretty dress. She looks adorable!

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. Hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now soon!

  9. The dress turned out so cute, those colors are very Easter-ish. :)


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