Monday, March 7, 2011

A glimpse of spring

Spring is in the air! I don't know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but here in Texas it is heavenly! Sorry for you northerners who are still fighting the snow. Just take comfort in the fact that we will be melting in July :) So being that the weather is perfection right now we did a little "spring cleaning" this weekend. I think the chaos of the board and batten in our study made us all want to thoroughly clean EVERYTHING! The garage was a disaster from the wood and things spewed everywhere. Our utility closet was in disarray from all the tools being just thrown back in there. The laundry room was utter chaos and the weeds in our garden were taking over the place. O.K. maybe it wasn't that bad, but some cleaning and organizing was definitely in order.

So here is a glimpse of what we did this weekend:

Utility closet cleared out and organized (you wouldn't believe the amount o f junk we threw away)
Laundry room cleaned and organized. (There was about two inches of dried paint on the sink in there. It took me a good hour and a half to get that baby clean. New rule: no paint in the laundry room!)
The laundry room is the next room to decorate, so stay tuned for that. I am going to paint the blinds, paint the room, make a faux roman shade for the window and add some decorative touches. Can't wait!

 The garage got a nice dose of organization too. With these nice cabinets really there is no excuse!
Finally on Sunday we enjoyed the sun while we pulled the weeds in the backyard.

Later that day my husband took our daughter to the Houston Rodeo to watch Selena Gomez. Look how excited she is:

 So it was a great productive weekend in this house. I would love to hear how YOU spent your weekend. Leave a comment and tell me all about it.



  1. When you're finished, can you come over here and spring organize for me...? Great job.

    (BTW - your banana muffins were a bit hit. Thanks.)

  2. Very much impressed at how you decluttered and organized your spaces :) Great job!

    By the way, we have a Swap Followings Linky Party going on right now where you get to meet excellent bloggers and increase your followers in the process. It's easy to join - just whip up a post and include the party button in the post then link up and start following other bloggers in the party so they can follow you, too. I'll be honored if you party with us at See you there :)


I love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to make me smile :)