Friday, November 11, 2011

Wood Canvas Art

So I made it to the next round in One Month to Win it people! Whoooo!! Super excited over here. The next round is styrofoam (which I had a hard time with, but it's part of the challenge right?!).

Are you wondering what project was mine? It was the Wood Canvas Art:

 I initially had a couple pallets that I was going to take apart and make a "canvas" out of. Have any of you actually tried to take one apart?!? Well lets say after 30 minutes of banging and maybe some curse words, I got nowhere and decided for plan B:
 My husband built me this out of a piece of board he picked up at Lowes. He gets bonus points for this one!
 I first took the staining medium and mixed it with the brown.
 I wiped it on and rubbed it in the board. I added a couple shades of brown.
 I then added a little bit of turquoise and silver to age it:
 I then drew on the silhouette of the chandelier:
 I then filled it in with a dark brown paint:
 On the bottom I added our wedding date in roman numerals:
 I then stenciled on this love quote I had pinned on pinterest:
 Finally I sanded her down a bit, paying close attention to the edges of the boards:

There she is all finished. I am going to hang this in our master bedroom over a dresser (that I am currently looking for).

Also, please forgive my lask of posting this week. Morning sickness and tiredness has taken over my life this week. Hopefully I willl feel up to doing more next week!


Tip Junkie handmade projects Photobucket
The Shabby NestHookingupwithHoH< Transformation Thursdaythree boys


  1. Once again, I voted for YOU without even realizing it! Yay congrats! Oh btw, I know you're busy with all the competition but you know it's blogger LAW that you must update your fans with frequent & abundant pregnancy news/pictures! It's the law!

  2. This is a beautiful project. I'm not surprised you made it to the next round. Robyn

  3. This looks great! I've had something similar in mind for awhile now and you're convincing me I need to get on it. I hope your morning sickness goes away soon!

  4. Great job! :) Congrats on making it to the next round! See ya next week! Styrofoam was a tough one!

    Ginger @

  5. Congratulations on making it to the styrofoam round. Love your use of turquoise to age the wood.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  6. That is such a lovely idea! It looks gorgeous :D Great job!

  7. What an awesome project! You, of course, make it look so easy! Thanks for the tutorial!

  8. what an awesome quote! I love it! I'd love for you to link up to my linky party

  9. This is a beautiful piece and I love the quote!

  10. I love this piece. I knew it was awesome the minute I laid eyes on it so I voted for it in One Month to Win It. Congratulations making it to the next round. Good luck with the styrofoam.


  11. I love this piece. Beautiful!


  12. Love it!! Every married couple should have one.

  13. Great idea!I love it so much!


I love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to make me smile :)